Electromagnetic Suspension
by Abhilash Bharadwaj [Piston]
June 23, 2022, midnight
How cool is it to replace a set of shock absorbers with a pair of Electromagnets! How is that even possible? It must have been a revolutionary idea!
by Abhilash Bharadwaj [Piston]
June 23, 2022, midnight
How cool is it to replace a set of shock absorbers with a pair of Electromagnets! How is that even possible? It must have been a revolutionary idea!
by Viren Varma [CompSoc]
July 11, 2021, midnight
A guide to various paradoxes in Time Travel and their possible solutions
by Harshavardhan S [CompSoc]
July 5, 2021, midnight
by Kaustubh Kaustubh [CompSoc]
June 18, 2021, midnight
by Yuvasankar B [CompSoc]
June 4, 2021, midnight
by Viba Udupa [CompSoc]
May 28, 2021, midnight
by Varshini C [CompSoc]
May 21, 2021, midnight
by Pramod Parande [CompSoc]
May 14, 2021, midnight
by Erin Joe [CompSoc]
May 7, 2021, 5:41 p.m.
There are plenty of resources that say that no two snowflakes are alike. But where do we get this idea from? The universe is really old, with countless planets, surely two of them have been alike…