Virtual Expo 2024


Envision CompSoc


  • Krishna Tulsyan
  • Syed Farhan
  • Gouri M R


  • Mohnish Raj Mani
  • Yash Kumar Singh
  • Jaivant Kosaraju
  • Yash Jain
  • G Rajesh
  • S Chinmay Naren



We extend our heartfelt appreciation to our mentors for their invaluable support, guidance, and contributions throughout the development of Recipe Raven. Their expertise, encouragement, and feedback have been instrumental in shaping this project into a reality. We would also like to thank IEEE NITK Student Branch for conducting Envision 2024.


The aim of Recipe Raven is to revolutionize the culinary domain by addressing the inefficiencies inherent in traditional recipe management methods. Through the development of a centralized platform, we seek to provide users with efficient organization and accessibility of recipes, while introducing dynamic, interactive features that enhance the cooking experience. Our goal is to consolidate the entire cooking process into a seamless platform, minimizing reliance on multiple devices and sources, and ultimately empowering users to explore, create, and share culinary delights with ease.


In a world where culinary exploration is increasingly popular, the traditional methods of managing and accessing recipes often fall short of meeting the demands of modern users. Recipe Raven emerges as a solution to these challenges, aiming to transform the way individuals engage with cooking. By leveraging technology to create a centralized platform, Recipe Raven offers users a comprehensive solution for recipe management, organization, and execution. Through real-time guidance, multimedia integration, and voice recognition capabilities, Recipe Raven not only simplifies the cooking process but also enhances it, fostering creativity and accessibility for users of all skill levels. This project report delves into the development journey of Recipe Raven, outlining its features, functionalities, and the potential impact it holds in revolutionizing the culinary landscape.

Technologies used

  1. Frontend: HTML, CSS, Javascript, React with vite
  2. Backend: Node.js with Express
  3. Database: MongoDB
  4. Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT)


React is a frontend JavaScript framework used for creating reactive user experiences. It allows us to bind the data in JavaScript to reactive components which represent the UI. It Simplifies the process of developing data-based web applications with interactive user interfaces.


Node.js is a powerful runtime environment that allows for server-side JavaScript execution, enabling scalable and efficient development of web applications. Leveraging an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, Node.js facilitates high-performance, real-time applications with ease.


MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database renowned for its scalability and flexibility, storing data in a JSON-like format for easy management. Its distributed architecture enables seamless handling of large datasets and high traffic loads, making it a preferred choice for modern applications requiring dynamic and agile data storage.

      JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims securely between parties as a JSON object. They are widely used for authentication and authorization in web applications, providing a stateless mechanism for transmitting information between a client and server.


  1. Login and Sign Up :  A user navigates to a web page and is presented with a login page as a way to gain access to the website. Here the user can login via email address and password or through google account. If the login is successful the user is redirected to the home page, if not successful an error message is shown. A user who doesn't have an account can go to the signup page where he/she can create a new account by entering the username, email address and giving the new password.

  2. Authentication :  Protect your Recipe Raven account with JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication. Safely authenticate users and securely transmit information between the client and server. Enjoy seamless access to Recipe Raven's features with efficient and reliable authentication methods.
  3. Share and Discover Recipes :  Users can both contribute their own recipes and explore a wide variety of dishes shared by others within the community.
  4. Dynamic Presentation Mode: Implement an interactive cook-along functionality featuring step-by-step instructions presented in a card format. Users can seamlessly progress through each instruction, advancing to the next step.
  5. Timer :  Recipe Raven's Timer feature facilitates real-time precise cooking with automatic timers for each step, ensuring ingredients are added and cooked at the right times. Customizable alerts keep users informed throughout the cooking process, enhancing efficiency and reducing the need for external timers.
  6. Text-to-Speech Instructions :  Enhance your cooking experience with Recipe Raven's Text-to-Speech feature. Convert recipe instructions into spoken words, allowing for hands-free guidance while you cook. Simply activate the feature and listen to step-by-step instructions, ensuring seamless execution of every recipe.
  7. Smart Sorting and Filtering :  Explore recipes based on various parameters such as location of upload, food location, preparation time, cuisine type, meal category, caloric content, specific ingredients, and tags.
  8. Interactive Recipe Features :  Allow users to interact with recipes by liking, commenting, and rating them, while also providing the functionality to save and bookmark recipes for convenient future reference.
  9. Explore :  Discover new culinary delights with Recipe Raven's Explore page. Browse a curated selection of recipes spanning various cuisines and difficulty levels. Find inspiration for your next culinary adventure and expand your repertoire with ease.
  10. Personal Cookbook :  The system also allows users to create a personal cookbook, organising and tracking their favourite recipes privately without sharing them publicly.

Future Work

  • Converting a cooking youtube video to a recipe with detailed steps.
  • Adding the ingredients of a particular recipe directly to the cart of an e-commerce website so that they can be ordered if needed .
  • Future iterations of the Recipe Management System may include features such as a social sharing component, meal planning, and integration with popular restaurants. 
  • The platform could also be expanded to include a mobile application for on-the-go access.
  • Enhance user experience by exploring IoT integration, enabling seamless connectivity with kitchen devices for a more automated and integrated cooking process.


  1. React.js Documentation
  2. Node.js Documentation
  3. MongoDB Documentation
  4. Express Documentation
  5. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Introduction


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