Virtual Expo 2024

Velocity Profile Simulation in MATLAB

Envision Piston


  • Dhruv Gandhi
  • Tejas S
  • Meghna Sarma


  • Narayan Bhugalia

Expo google meet link: 

To visualize velocity profiles and pressure distribution using MATLAB simulations and plots and evaluate fluid flow characteristics by analyzing performance metrics such as Reynold's number and flow rate after gaining a profound understanding of fluid flow dynamics in various pipe systems.

Fluid flow through pipes is fundamental to many engineering applications, ranging from water distribution systems to industrial processes. Understanding and analyzing fluid flow dynamics in pipes is crucial for optimizing design, predicting performance, and ensuring efficiency. This project will equip the student with a robust toolset for comprehending and predicting fluid behaviour in diverse pipe systems. By combining the versatility of MATLAB with a thorough understanding of fluid dynamics, the project seeks to contribute valuable insights that extend beyond theoretical models, finding practical applications in the optimization and enhancement of various engineering processes.

Learning MATLAB:
The MATLAB onramp course was completed. This taught the basics of MATLAB language, how to get output, plot the results, and obtain the velocity profile.

Basics of Fluid Mechanics:
The first fourteen lectures of the NPTEL course on Transport Phenomena helped establish the basics of Momentum Transfer. Shell momentum balance and Navier Stokes Equations were used to obtain the velocity profiles for various cases, such as falling film through a plate, Couette flow, and flow through a straight pipe.

Generating Velocity Profiles:
After deriving the equations for velocity profiles for various cases, the profiles were simulated using MATLAB code. Flow characteristics such as Reynold's number and flow rate were also determined.

Flow through a straight pipe


Couette Flow

Film falling along a plate

NPTEL lectures on 'Transport Phenomena' by Prof. Sunando Dasgupta from IIT Kharagpur 
MATLAB onramp course from MathWorks

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