Virtual Expo 2024

Analysis and Enhancement of Properties of Wing Through Tubercles

Envision Piston


The quest for enhancing the aerodynamic performance of aircraft has long been a focal point in aerospace engineering. Traditional wing designs have been predominantly characterized by smooth, streamlined surfaces aimed at minimizing drag and maximizing lift. However, recent studies in biomimicry have sparked interest in exploring nature-inspired solutions to optimize aerodynamic efficiency. One such intriguing phenomenon observed in nature is the presence of tubercles along the leading edge of humpback whale fins.

Humpback whales, despite their massive size, exhibit remarkable agility and maneuverability underwater, thanks in part to the unique structure of their pectoral fins. These fins are adorned with tubercles, small bumps or protrusions spaced along the leading edge. Research has shown that these tubercles disrupt the formation of turbulent vortices, thereby improving lift and reducing drag as the whale navigates through water.

Inspired by nature's ingenuity, this project aims to investigate the potential benefits of incorporating tubercles onto the wings of aircraft. By mimicking the design principles found in humpback whale fins, we hypothesize that the addition of tubercles to aircraft wings could lead to similar improvements in aerodynamic performance. Through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and wind tunnel experiments, we seek to analyze and quantify the effects of tubercles on lift, drag, and overall efficiency.

The outcomes of this research hold significant implications for the field of aerospace engineering. If successful, the integration of tubercles into aircraft wing designs could revolutionize the way we approach aerodynamic optimization, potentially paving the way for more fuel-efficient, environmentally sustainable aircraft. Furthermore, this study underscores the importance of biomimicry as a source of inspiration for innovative engineering solutions, bridging the gap between nature and technology for the benefit of human progress.

Methodology and Implementation

  1. Airfoil Analysis:
    • Utilized Airfoil Tools and XFLR5 software for comprehensive analysis of various NACA airfoils.
    • Examined lift coefficient (CL), drag coefficient (CD), and their variations with angle of attack (α) for each airfoil.
    • Selected the NACA 6312 airfoil based on favorable aerodynamic characteristics observed in the analysis results.
    • NACA 4412
      NACA 23012 & 4412
      Various addition of Tubercles

    • Few Analysis of other Airfoils

      NACA 6341


      NACA 6312


      NACA 6312


  2. Wing Modeling:
    • Employed SolidWorks for modeling wings with tubercles integrated onto the NACA 6312 airfoil.
    • Designed tubercles with chord length of 100mm and a span of 100mm and an amplitude equal to 7% of the chord length and a wavelength of 25 mm.
    • Calculated the number of planes for tubercles using the formula:

 Number of planes = (span)/(wavelength/2).

    • Determined scale factor as:

Scale factor = 1 - (amplitude/chord length).

Wing Model
NACA 6312


  1. Flow Simulation:
    • Conducted flow simulation analyses in SolidWorks to investigate temperature and pressure distribution on the wing surface.
    • Examined the effects of tubercles on flow separation, drag reduction, and overall aerodynamic performance.
    • Gathered detailed data on temperature and pressure gradients across the wing surface to assess the impact of tubercles on aerodynamic behavior.


Temperature Analysis(K)


Voricity Analysis


Pressure Analysis


X - Velocity Analysis


Y - Velocity Analysis


Z - Velocity Analysis 


  1. Data Collection and Analysis:
    • Recorded data from the flow simulation analyses for further evaluation.
    • Analyzed the results to determine the influence of tubercles on lift, drag, and overall efficiency of the modified airfoil.
    • Compared the performance of the modified NACA 6312 airfoil with tubercles to that of the original airfoil without tubercles.


Dynamic Viscocity Analysis


Vorticity Analysis


  1. Validation and Optimization:
    • Evaluated the validity of the findings through comparison with existing literature and theoretical models.
    • Identified areas for potential optimization and refinement of the tubercle design based on the analysis results.
    • Formulated recommendations for further experimentation, including wind tunnel testing and computational fluid dynamics simulations, to validate and optimize the aerodynamic performance of the modified airfoil.

Meet link: Click here



1)A Meta-Model for Tubercle Design of Wing

Planforms Inspired by Humpback Whale Flippers

A. Taheri



J.-H. CHEN , S.-S. LI



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