Virtual Expo 2024

E-Commerce App

Envision CompSoc



  • Upasana Nayak
  • Shreesha M B
  • Akshat Mishra


  • Aaryan Yadav
  • Karthik Gurappa Gurikar
  • Lohith
  • Naga Sai Sree Sailesh
  • Patel Pal Bharat
  • Purva
  • Shaurya Rohiet
  • Somalingam Neelesh



The primary aim of the project is to build a robust e-commerce application from scratch, emphasizing learning opportunities for the mentees. By utilizing Flutter for front-end development, and Firebase for cloud storage and authentication, the project aims to enhance the mentees' skills in Flutter.


Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase, using the Dart programming language.

Firebase is a comprehensive app development platform provided by Google, offering a variety of services such as authentication, real-time database, cloud storage, hosting, and more, to help developers build, improve, and grow their apps.

The project focuses on developing an e-commerce application using Flutter for the frontend and firebase for the backend. The mentees gained a hands-on experience in app development with an emphasis on learning and skill enhancement.


In the project, we built two apps,


1) Login Page

A User navigates to an application and is presented with a login page as a way to gain access to the application.Here the seller can login via email address and password. If the login is successful the user is redirected to the home page, if not successful an error message is shown. If the user doesn't already have an account, he can go to the signup page where he can create a new account with an email and password.

2) Discounts page

The seller is then directed to the discounts page where they can view all the products that are having big discounts. On clicking on the products the user will be directed to the products page.
3) Home page

The User can view all the different categories products which are currently for sale. The user can click on any of the category, which directs the user to the page which shows all the products for sale belonging to that category.

4) Products page

This page contains the details of the products and button to add the products to the favourites list and another button
 to buy the product

5) Favourites page

This page shows all the products that are added to the favourites list by the user and on clicking them redirects the user to the products page of that product

6) Settings page

This page displays the users info such as username, phone no, email and home address and also shows the orders placed by the user and also contains a button to sign out from the account


1) Login Page

A seller navigates to an application and is presented with a login page as a way to gain access to the application.Here the seller can login via email address and password. If the login is successful the user is redirected to the groups page, if not successful an error message is shown.

2) Dashboard

The seller is then directed to the dashboard where they can view all their products sold, orders received, total sales and other features .Here the seller can have an overview of all their products and featured products.

3) Products

The seller can view all their products which are currently for sale. The seller can also add a new product by specifying features and adding images of new products. Here the seller can have an overview of all their products and featured products.

4) Orders

The seller can view and look at the details of  all current and previous orders and their respective details. The seller can also confirm and defer orders in this section.




           User app Login page                                      User app dashboard                                 Product Page


login page seller           seller dashboard

        Seller app Login page                                       Seller app dashboard

Future Scope:

  • Implementing push notifications for order updates.
  • Integrating advanced search functionalities.
  • Messaging feature, where the user can directly contact the seller.
  • Adding filters for enhanced user experience.

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