Virtual Expo 2024

Design and Analysis of multi-storey buildings using STAAD Pro

Year Long Project Piston


Rendered view of G+11 storey

This is the view of G+11 Multi-storey building which was designed and analysed by our team on STAAD pro software.


This project is based on analysing of different factors on G+11 floor Multi-storey building by using STAAD pro software.



Analysing of eleven floor building is checking every beam and column of building affected by dead, live, seismic and wind load and which grade of cement and what type of steel is used to construct this building and its sustainability for long years.



Prerequisite for this project includes theorems on Working stress method and very important Limit state method and basic physiological features of RCC structures.

The first step is to installation of this software and learn and understand the basics of the working condition of software.

Then we proceeded with the basic ground floor of building to learn. Then we refered some models to design your own desired structure and analyse it.

This is just not limited to Multi-storey building but can also analyse on bridges, frames, truss and many more.


We used this software for this reason-

To analyse any random point of beam or column or any part of building to check its Bending moment diagram, Shear force diagram, horizontal and vertical forces are also considered. The type of cement grade and steel type is also obtained.

We get the load tension and compression on any part of beam and column when affected by seismic, wind, snow, live or dead load on it.

Here is the result page obtained in software


Bentley STAAD pro software can be used for analysing different design of building which can be of irregular or distorted shape to learn the structural property of any kind of structure.



Internet image source for different shape buildings.

Some research papers like –

  • Analysis and Design of a Residential Building By Using STAAD Pro

May 2021


Kunal Wailkar, Pranay Chide, Manthan Shende, Jinendra Ralekar

  • A Research Paper on Design and Analysis of a Multistorey Building (G+4) Using Staad.Pro with Different Grade of Concrete

Authors: Abhiyank Joshi, Mr. Rahul Sharma

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